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  • Happiness Of Soul

    Happiness Of Soul

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     Aura, it’s a shower of love by the grace of GOD. 

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  • Mindful Eating

    Mindful Eating

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    Mindful Eating can be a state of silence or emptiness of the mind that is not excessed by thoughts. Notice when food comes in front of you

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  • Importance of sleep

    Importance of sleep

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    The reason for proper functioning of this body is proper sleep. Sleep is that component of anyone’s life that if it becomes weak then it will affect the whole functioning of body and in return it’ll cause many physical and mental diseases.

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  • The True Significance Of Republic Day

    The True Significance Of Republic Day

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    The festival of the Republic, this festival should really mean more than the hoisting of the flag, it should mean the creation of the kind of people who will take us there in the future where India will again be considered as VISHWA GURU. 

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  • Spirituality Part 2

    Spirituality Part 2

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    Prioritizing self-love is not selfish, it's essential

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Perspective On Preparation Of Budget

Posted on: 24-02-2025

Money is considered by everyone as an important aspect of our lives, sometimes we think of money for ourselves and sometimes for the economy of the country. We should always keep in mind that money is a means or a resource of behavior but we start walking in our life by targeting the means and medium of that behavior, then our medium becomes our purpose, while the reality of life is that the medium should remain the medium and the objective should be organized according to all the minds. When we talk about the economy of the country or any subject related to the budget, we should consider on what should be the topic while forming budget. When we talk about the budget for infrastructure, education or even medicines, it is a very good system, but when this system takes a turn towards luxury items or weapons or the money spent on the security of the country, then we must pay attention to this issue that we are using our budget properly. 

While keeping in mind the budget spent on security, our efforts should be such that it proves to be helpful in removing those behaviors of the society where we do not need those things which spoil the mutual relations among different countries. We have to think that whatever provisions we are making for our security, if we do it for the upliftment of the behavior of the ordinary citizens of our country, then the result of it will come to us in a completely different way. We should try not to create any enemy which forces us in the first place to make weapons. Today, there is a system going on all over the world in the name of our own security, due to which today we have reached a situation where we spend so much money to impress each other by testing this kind of power at any time. 

Whereas the reality is that the way nature has given us all these systems on earth, where cities also have boundaries, regions also have boundaries, countries also have boundaries, but human beings are the same everywhere. Why can't we try to work on their minds, their conscience? In fact, a large part of our budget is spent for those purposes that do not have any direct impact on promotion of peace. We should spend on the preparation of such minds, which by itself will start eliminating all expenditure done on weapons in the name of security. It’s a humble request to all intellectual people in positions of power that some funds should be allocated for workshop of spiritual and mental development of police, military and any other forces working for security of our country. The money spent in this direction will at sometime in future reduce the need for any kind of discord and promote desire for inner peace and harmony. 

Budget, instead being seen as a show piece, it should introduce the common man, his rights, the facilities that are available to him, how we can provide all the resources available to them in the simplest way. Today a common man has no knowledge on technicalities of budget, at the end they just understand that this income slab has no tax. Apart from this, no special thing is understood by such an ordinary citizen. 

All the facilities that we get is because of budget, so before making any comment on the budget, all the critics must consider that we either understand the subject completely and then express the opinion on it or do not express the opinion with half the information which misleads a common citizen in the country. A person giving speech of 1 hour on budget cannot explain every aspect of it, even a budget is formed by a panel of experts. So, Let us understand the budget for society’s benefit 


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