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  • Happiness Of Soul

    Happiness Of Soul

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     Aura, it’s a shower of love by the grace of GOD. 

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  • Mindful Eating

    Mindful Eating

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    Mindful Eating can be a state of silence or emptiness of the mind that is not excessed by thoughts. Notice when food comes in front of you

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  • Importance of sleep

    Importance of sleep

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    The reason for proper functioning of this body is proper sleep. Sleep is that component of anyone’s life that if it becomes weak then it will affect the whole functioning of body and in return it’ll cause many physical and mental diseases.

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  • The True Significance Of Republic Day

    The True Significance Of Republic Day

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    The festival of the Republic, this festival should really mean more than the hoisting of the flag, it should mean the creation of the kind of people who will take us there in the future where India will again be considered as VISHWA GURU. 

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  • Spirituality Part 2

    Spirituality Part 2

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    Prioritizing self-love is not selfish, it's essential

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Spirituality Part 2

Posted on: 18-02-2025

How spirituality helps individuals strike a balance between personal responsibility and global awareness?

Looking personal responsibilities from the perspective that our most important personal responsibility should be to live with a globalized thought. Spirituality is if a person works for the whole i.e., for globalized peace. Globalized spirituality is that everyone's mind should be calm, everyone's thoughts should be the same way where we all are for each other. I can accept everyone in such a way that they can stay with me. It simply means that the state of mind comes in the position where we become givers, we are not takers. Let's start doing the best we can for anyone. As this behavior progresses, things start to globalize. Otherwise, look at it from the point of view that if there are 10 people living in a family, then there are clashes among them. Then that same clashes we see in our locality, then in a district and then state and then in a country. If we see the same thing in the opposite way from this point of view then if there is love in the family, there is love in the neighborhood too. Love is spread throughout the region. So, this is how being globalized work.

The real meaning of spirituality is the feeling of love that works for everyone. Love, but in what form where we are loving someone without wanting anything in return. If we want anything more than love in return than we are going wrong somewhere.

Also, Prioritizing self-love is not selfish, it's essential. If we are not selfish for our own happiness, then how can we even keep people around us happy. When we are happy ourselves, we will never have a wrong thought about anyone. If we have to sacrifice a relation for that happiness, then be it same as if we have to accept someone for that peaceful happiness then we should go for it. So, there is nothing wrong with being selfish in this context.


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